Quarter 1, Week 5

 Week of 9/5-9/9

Click read more to see what's coming up in fourth grade! 

**Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 5. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

***No school on Monday means Friday September 9 is a FULL DAY FRIDAY.

Grammar: What is an adverb? Study guide due Tuesday, quiz over types of sentences on Tuesday. 

Writing: Continue practicing summarizes and start Key Word Outlines

Spalding: Begin Section Q spelling words. This week will begin Spalding daily word list homework. Quiz Friday on 10 phonograms and 20 words. 

Literature: Continue reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz through Ch. 17. 

Science: Matter, mixtures, and solutions. Test Friday.

Math: Covering one and two-step word problem. Ch. 2 Quiz Thursday, with corrections on Friday. 

It will be important for students to follow my four steps to receive full credit.

  1. Understand (Underline important information and circle the question)
  2. Plan (Create Bar Model and Answer Sentence)
  3. Solve (Show your work)
  4. Check (Using the opposite operation or estimating)


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