Quarter 1, Week 8

 Week of 9/26-9/30

Click read more to see all 4th grade news for the upcoming week!

General announcements:

*WIZARD OF OZ Celebration on FRIDAY! This Friday is also a Spirit Shirt Day!

*4th grade will visit the library this week.

*Parent/teacher conference sign-up links will be sent out this week. 

In class: 

Math: Double-digit multiplication. Mini-quiz on Wednesday.

History: Continue learning about Medieval history. (Ch 3 & 4) 

Literature: Continue reading Prince Caspian. We will recite "Captain Kidd" on Monday, Oct 3. 

Grammar: Predicates and diagram practice.

Writing: Writing their own procedural texts and going through editing process. 

Spalding: 2x dictation each night, spelling test Friday. 


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