Tardy Policy going into effect
Dear Northern Oaks Parents,
At the beginning of each year, we allow students and families a grace period before policies dealing with consequence of late arrival or late pick up go into effect. For the last few weeks pick up and drop off have been ending on time if not beforehand and the school has moved past this grace period. We now expect students to be at school by 7:50am and picked up from school no later than 4:10pm, unless students are enrolled in Athenaeum, clubs, or another after school activity.
Our morning tardy policy states that the day begins at 7:50am and we expect students to be in the classroom before that time. At 7:50am, we start with the pledges and moment of silence, as is state law, and then reflect on our monthly virtue and hear morning announcements. Students who arrive late participate in this observance in the entryway with administration. As soon as the morning announcements are complete, we begin with morning instruction promptly.
A student who is not in the building by 7:50am is considered tardy and will receive a tardy infraction. A yellow tardy infraction will be stapled in the student’s agenda on the day that the student is tardy. The teacher will track the number of tardies and if a student receives three morning tardy slips within a two-month period, the student will receive a lunch detention.
This policy has made a great difference in keeping families accountable to arrive on time so that students can begin their day with success. We are trying to think of the individual student with this policy and making sure they are starting their day well. Students who arrive late are often missing important information and do not have the appropriate amount of time to get organized and start their day with structure. In addition, there is a disruption to the classroom, and arriving late can be embarrassing to the late student who may not want this attention.
The lunch detention is a 20-minute detention that is served in the Dean of Student’s office and is a quiet time. Students do not have the social time they have at a regular lunch period.
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